Supporting children in Gaelscoileanna
It is hugely beneficial for children to play sports through the medium of Irish language. The experience will help improve your child's fluency and normalise the use of Irish language in a social setting outside of the classroom. With extra practice, your child will gain confidence in their language ability, all in a fun and enjoyable way. It is an excellent opportunity to help your child as they progress on their Gaelscoil journey.
"It's important that Irish isn't thought of as a solely a school subject and I get an opportunity to use my Irish outside of the school gates too."
Pauline Forsyth
With the extra practice, their confidence in the language grows. It is an opportunity to help your child a great deal on their journey through Gaelscoil education.
‘It is evident from all the research in this area, that groups like Na Gaeil Óga are very important in strengthening the use of Irish and in normalising it outside the classroom. This helps children to learn the language faster, particularly when done in a fun environment that complements the language-learning in the classroom. This increased linguistic ability will help children to perform better in school, and of course comes with all the associated health and confidence benefits of playing sport.’
Professor Pádraig Ó Duibhir,
Deputy Dean, DCU Institute of Education