Na Gaeil Óga intends to build a new pitch and clubhouse in the Lucan area of Dublin. The area has a large population which continues to grow and there are two local Gaelscoils, one of which is currently host to training sessions, Gaelscoil Naomh Pádraig.
A campaign to find a permanent home was launched in the Mansion House in Dublin in 2016. The occasion was attended by the then Lord Mayor, Críona Ní Dhálaigh, and the well known broadcaster and Chair of the NGÓ Development Comittee, Micheál Ó Muircheartaigh, at which they expressed their support for the campaign.
“When we put together the development plan in our first or second year, we were ambitious from the start and it was always our goal to have a permanent home. There were those who said we would not succeed, and they may be disappointed now with the progress we have made, but we are still here and always working towards achieving the next milestone. ”
Eoin P. Ó Murchú
Na Gaeil Óga CLG Development Committee

A sample image of the permanent home of Na Gaeil Óga